What’s your Italian Travel Style?

dalluva logo 125x124Many of our fans travel to Italy, and we often get asked which sights to see, wineries to visit, and itineraries to follow.

We love supporting fellow lovers of all-things-Italian with their travel plans, and are thinking about creating a community forum on Italian wine, food and travel.

Take a moment to answer our survey and help us understand your Italian travel interests. We'll post a summary of the Survey results in a future posting on the Dall'Uva Wine Journal.


Tell us about yourself: I am... *

How often do you travel to Italy? *

Do you prefer big cities or the countryside? *

Are you a city mouse or a country mouse?

What regions of Italy do you like to explore? *

Where do you prefer to spend your time while in Italy?

Pick your top 3 regions in Italy.


What do you like to do when you travel? *

Tell us a little more about what's important to you when you're on the road

Not Important Kinda Important Very Important
Exploring restaurants & markets
Tasting wines & visiting wineries
Shop the local stores
Exploring museums
Attending local cultural events
Chilling out on my own schedule

Exploring restaurants & markets

Tasting wines & visiting wineries

Shop the local stores

Exploring museums

Attending local cultural events

Chilling out on my own schedule

How do you plan-out your travel? *

Which of these activities interest you?

We're curious if any of these activities pique your interest.

Select as many as you like.

Want to win a copy of Vino Italiano?

vino italiano bastianich 100x126Enter your primary email address below and you have a shot at winning a copy of "Vino Italiano" by Joe Bastianich and David Lynch!

Be sure to enter today, as the contest will end and the drawing held on 1 May 2012!

(We hate Spam as much as you do, so we *never* share your info with anyone, and we won't Spam you -- ever.)